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Mr Monkey on the battlefield of Waterloo

Mr Rik wasn't at all happy about walking from Waterloo to the battlefield, so Mr Monkey let him catch a bus. They got off at the Esso station as they'd been told, and walked to Hameau du Lion, which is roughly in the middle of the battlefield.

Follow the links on the images below for more details of Mr Monkey's visit to the battlefield.

Walking to Hameau du Lion At Hameau du Lion Reading about the mound Climbing the mound Looking north Looking east Looking south Panorama and Wax Museum Walking to the crossroads Belgian monument Picton and Inniskillings monuments Hanoverian and Gordon monuments La Haie Sainte Beating retreat

You can read an overview of the Waterloo campaign at the BBC website.

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Copyright Rik Shepherd and Mr Monkey. This page last modified 23 April 2007