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Mr Monkey in the footsteps of Jane Austen, 3rd June

"That'll be why they're called Bath Olivers, I bet"

Mr Monkey in The Corridor Mr Monkey looking at the Royal Mineral Hospital

Mr Monkey's humans demanded feeding, so he had to break from his hunt for Jane Austen's footsteps. Looking for food took him down some narrow streets and through The Corridor, a shopping arcade built in 1825. After the diversion, Mr Monkey went to look at the Royal Mineral Water Hospital, which was built for poor visitors to Bath who couldn't afford other lodgings. They had to have a sponsor's letter and £1 for their fare home or their burial (£2 if they came from Scotland), had baths in water piped from the hot springs and were fed on spring water and special biscuits invented by the principal physican, Dr. Oliver.

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