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Mr Monkey in the footsteps of Jane Austen, 3rd June

"And there are giant acorns on the roof, too"

Mr Monkey looking at houses on The Circus Mr Monkey looking at the curve of The Circus

Mr Monkey scampered along Brock Street and arrived at The Circus*, which used to be the King's Circus. Mr Monkey admired the innovative circular row of buildings, divided into three so there's room for roads to let people in, designed by the elder John Wood. He was interested to see that each floor had a different order of Greek architecture for the capital of its pillars - Doric on the ground floor, Ionic on the first and Corinthan on the second floor. Mr Monkey wondered why they put the most complicated on the top where it's hard to see it, but supposed that Mr Wood knew what he was doing.

* which got its name from the Latin for circle and has nothing at all to do with clowns.

Mr Monkey spotted three of King Bladud's pigs on The Circus.

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