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Mr Monkey sees Birth Rights at the Royal Exchange Theatre, 5th March

Mr Monkey looking at a photo of a woman in labour in Ghana Mr Monkey looking at a photo of a newly born baby in Ghana Before he went to see Saturday Night and Sunday Morning, Mr Monkey scurried upstairs to the Royal Exchange Mezzanine to see Birth Rights.

Birth Rights is a collection of photographs taken in Ghana by Abbie Traylor-Smith, presented by Oxfam as part of their Birth Rights campaign. They show two women in Ghana, one in a rural area, one in a town, during various stages of the birth of a child.

The campaign is about the state of healthcare for pregnant women in Ghana, highlighting the differences between legal requirements and the care women actually get.

Mr Monkey thought that the pictures were interesting and, occasionally, moving, but would have liked to see more information to support the campaign.

Birth Rights runs until April 10th 2012.

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