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Mr Monkey takes a Mancunian Canal Cruise, 13th October

"There's some fruit on that tree"

Mr Monkey looking along the Bridgewater Canal towards Manchester Mr Monkey looking at the overgrown Pomona Gardens

As his boat came out of the Pomona lock onto the Bridgewater, Mr Monkey caught a glimpse of the towers of central Manchester waiting at the end of the canal. He looked out at the canal bank. This area was originally known as the Cornbrook Strawberry Gardens, but in the 19th century it was developed as the Pomona Gardens (Pomona was the Roman goddess of plenty), becoming a 21 acre entertainment complex with pavilions for dancing and refreshments. The Gardens were closed in the 1880s when a nearby chemical works exploded and the land was purchased to create the docks.

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Copyright Rik Shepherd and Mr Monkey.