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Mr Monkey sees Heat The Streets, 20th February

"He should decide whether he wants to be chained up or not"

Mr Monkey watching Steve Faulkner escaping Mr Monkey looking around the Court of the Fire Queen after the fires had gone out

Mr Monkey trotted back to see if Superchoon had had its generator fixed, but it hadn't. Luckily Steve Faulkner was nearby having himself wrapped up in a straightjacket and chains so that he could escape from them. Then Mr Monkey went to see a hip-hop performance fusion called Silver Tree which was danced by Avant Garde and didn't photograph at all well. Now Heat The Streets was over, and Mr Monkey went back to St John's to see what the Court of the Fire Queen looked like after the fires had gone out.

You can read about the escapologist at the Steve Faulkner website and about the dance company at the Avant Garde website.

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