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Mr Monkey in London, 1st November

"If it's a crime scene someone's stolen part of their scene"

Mr Monkey walking along Kingsway at night Mr Monkey examining outlines outside Saint Martins College of Art and Design

In the evening Mr Monkey trotted down Kingsway to have a meal with his friend Ms Mitchy at the Belgo Beirodrome. Afterwards, he had to scurry back up Kingsway in the drizzle. Mr Monkey found that someone had used thin white tape to mark the outlines of people on the wall of Saint Martins College of Art and Design and on the pavement, though the one on the pavement had suffered from being walked on a bit.

You can read about the Bierodrome at the Belgo website and about the college at the Central Saint Martins website.

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Copyright Rik Shepherd and Mr Monkey.